Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter, jobs and our stupid lease

It's been too long since I've updated, and it seems like lots and lots of stuff has happened. So much stuff in fact, that I feel the need to make a brief outline before I start. I will spare you though and get right into it.
Last week was a short week, which is always awesome. Instead of the 4 day week everyone had, mine was only 3 since I don't have class on Thursdays. No class on Thursdays is awesome until you realize that Dia del oso is just a regular old Thursday for you. Oh well. Also, I got an 85 on that math test I mentioned. I'm cautiously optimistic that I may get a B+ in ACal II!
Friday morning I drove up to Dallas with Mom and Becky to visit the Hawkins (That would be my Aunt Kathy, Uncle Jeff, and cousins Andy, Alex, and Emily). Andy wasn't there since he goes to a heathen university and so he didn't have Friday off, and although we admire him for opting not to skip any classes we decided that in the long run, coming home and going to church with your family is more important than school. You should remember that next time Andrew Thomas! Anyways, it was fine that he didn't come because Aunt Becky was there instead. We went shopping on Friday, and I got some cute new tops, and then we came home for church. First we had a super delicious brisket, from Aunt Becky's recipe, along with a bunch of other tasty sides. Aunt Kathy had to wait till after church to eat, though, because she had to go play handbells. I think that is a sign that handbells must be no good, since they force you to skip meals. Saturday we did more shopping. Wait! I just remembered the most exciting part. So first of all it ended up getting really cold on Saturday and would you believe it! It started snowing! We didn't actually see any in Dallas but we ran into a little on our drive home. Anyways, we drove up to the outlet mall in Allen, mostly so we could drive through Plano and take a quick look at it. More on why we'd want to do that next, but anyways... At the outlet mall I got some cute shoes, a skirt and a purse. Fun fun fun!
So, here's the important news, I guess. I don't know how much you already know leading up to this situation, but it all started when Laura told us her company was opening up an office in Dallas (which turned out to be Plano, but whatever same thing) and that she might be transferring there. Then the other day I got a call from her saying that she was for sure going to be moving out here, within 45-60 days in fact! I'd been thinking about trying to get a job with her company for a while now but never really made up my mind one way or the other, but now I've finally decided. I'm sending in my resume as soon as I get it updated, and hopefully will get a position. The idea is that Laura, Heather (Laura's good friend from work, also transferring out here) and I will get a place together in Plano. So there you have it. I actually have some sort of plan for after graduation. I hope it all works out ok.
Now for some less than stellar news. Katie, Kristen and I just recently realized that our lease runs through July 31st instead of May like we thought. We were under the impression that it was a 10 month lease, but I guess this is a lesson (a very unpleasant lesson) for us in reading more carefully what you're signing. So now we are trying to find some summer subleasers. I hope we can find some.
Finally, today is the 11th, which means Stephen and I have been going out for 5 months now. Awwww.

1 comment:

Cleyera said...

Jenny! I'm so excited for you! You're going to make a B+ in A Cal II (I'm going to remain totally optimistic, even though that's a bit hypocritical of me, because I never feel that way about any of my classes), and you have a wonderful plan for after you graduate, which I'm sure will work out. You would get to live with your sister and live close to Stephen. (And also me, which is a very selfish reason for wanting your plan to work out, but not too selfish, considering I'm planning to move to Indiana for graduate school). Also, I totally didn't realize you and Stephen had been going out that long! I sure do miss a lot of stuff. Speaking of which, when is your graduation? I know I can't be there, but I totally intend to set aside a moment to think about it. (I know that sounds weird, but what else can I do?) I'll also miss the super fun, "No More A Cal" party, which I'm sure you're going to have.