Monday, April 02, 2007

The Mathematical Epiphany

I've been meaning to write about this for days now, and since it's been a week since I've written (wri'en) anything, I'd say it's about time. WARNING: If you don't want to hear me talk about math, skip ahead to the next section.

So here it is, a big part of my life: the mathematical epiphany. Please allow me to be a huge nerd for a while but this is one of my favorite things of all. For those of you who have never experienced this before, you're missing out, because it is awesome. The mathematical epiphany is that moment when, after mulling over some problem for what seems like forever, everything finally comes together, you see what you've been missing the whole time, and it all makes sense. Now I'm sure this applies to things other than math, but since math is all I really care about (or have been forced to care about for four years) I'm going to ignore all those other fields. Most of my math epiphanies are really 'duh' points but it still feels so good to finally understand. My favorite thing about them is how they tend to occur at the most random times. I'd say the majority of the ones I've experienced are when I'm getting ready for, or already in bed (that's one reason why it was so awesome to have a white board hanging over the bed), but it also happens at work or walking to class. I like to think that this is how all the big important proofs happened, that someone like Fubini had given up trying to prove that you can swap the order of integration, and then, later when he was out walking his dog it just came to him. Ok, so that's probably a bit of a stretch, but whatever. I think I'm done talking about math for now =)

Ok, you are now entering a (relatively) math free zone. As for what I've been up to in the last week, I'd say it isn't that thrilling. School has been school. I had a math test Friday, and I think it went well enough. We haven't gotten the grades back yet, but I'm betting on an average performance. We got to watch a western (well, to get technical, it was an Indianerfilm) in German last week, which was fun. I'm a sucker for cowboys and indians, even if the movie was full of fake cacti and Yugoslavian indians. My German paper is due tomorrow night at midnight, but I'm not worried about it. I've got it all planned out, and it's almost like I have the first draft done, even though it's really all still in my head. I've got a killer outline though.

Friday it was really stormy here in Waco. Around 4:30 the tornado alarms started going off, and since I was at work, we all got herded down to the staff room in the basement. It was not the most thrilling time, but it was fun listening to Cinnamon plan her dramatic escape (Something along the lines of running out yelling "Let me out of this hell hole!") We were probably down there for about an hour before the police decided it was safe for us back up on the third floor. After work Katie, Kristen and Sharon all went to the scholarship donors banquet, so I went over to Stephen's where he made me a delicious dinner.

Saturday night Stephen and I went out with a bunch of his friends (3 counts as a bunch right?) for dinner at Ninfas, and then hung out for a while at Stephen's house. Last night we went out again, Mexican again but this time at On the Border, with James and Landon.

Sunday after church I went to Old Navy with my mom and got some cute new clothes. Yay for me! All in all I'd say it was a good weekend!


Cleyera said...

I'm glad to hear about your fun times! (If mathematical epiphanies can be counted as fun). I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while, but I've been lazy and I'm also trying to accumulate things to talk about. I'll update tomorrow, meaning, you could look at it when you wake up because I'll have already been to class, gone grocery shopping, and have had time to update my blog. Oh, well. I'd update now, but I think my power converter is reaching the "I'm about to overheat and crash your computer" stage, and I'd prefer not to be in the middle of writing it, when my computer dies. Oh, well. I guess I wont get to proofread your paper, considering the time difference and the fact that my computer might crash before I can reply. However, if you finish it around 2 or 3 p.m. your time, I will make an effort. I just realized I probably could have updated my blog in the time it took me to post this comment.

Jenny'sMom said...

Jen - I guess I used to have computer programming epiphanies - when I was sleeping I'd figure out what the bugs were in my programs - OK that's all for now