Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life Update

I did not die, although maybe my lack of blogging suggested otherwise. I just haven't been doing too much of note. Just working, working, working. And hanging out with Stephen on the weekends, as well as whoever happens to be in town (depending on which town we're in!) I've been living in Plano just about exactly a year now (I can't remember the exact date I moved up here though, but it was towards the end of July). It's been a little dull, and a little lonely, but I don't mind the slow times so much, and I've liked being on my own. Plus I have things to do most every weekend.
Stephen is looking for jobs in my area now. I'm happy about that =) I'm ready to be able to see him whenever I want, instead of having to wait till the weekend (which sucks).
Work has really slowed down recently, I'm not sure why, because all I've heard is that the foreclosure market is stable, and our contractors call and say things like "I saw on the news that they are expecting so and so many thousands of foreclosures next month, blahblahblah" but it hasn't translated into more work for us. So it's been pretty boring for me. Kaitlyn, Amanda and I spend most of our work day sitting around and playing on the internet. I hope hope hope that work picks up soon!

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