Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pomp and Circumstance

I bought my cap and gown today. It is pretty exciting, although it hasn't really hit me yet that this is it for college. I've only got 2 days of classes yet, and then exams of course. I think I'm ready to move on to being out in the real world. Well on some levels at least... It is weird to think that I only have to take one more math test ever. I think I might miss Dr. Morgan. After all, I've seen him about every other day for a year and a half now.

I think I'm over being sick. Sort of. I'm still sniffling and sneezing, but it feels more like allergies than disease. It stinks that I can't just be back to normal. Thanks a lot Waco. I never had any sort of allergy problems before you. You are just a cesspool of allergy and disease!

I got a 92 on my anthropology test from last Friday. Dr. Arbuckle started the class by saying that the class average was a lot lower than normal so I wasn't expecting very much, but I was super excited when I got my test back to see that I'd scored the highest yet on this one. Maybe I'll be able to pull out the A if I do really well on the final. I'm not going to get my hopes up though because I sure can't remember a lot of the stuff from the beginning of the semester. What's really awesome about Anthropology is that Dr. Arbuckle decided that we wouldn't have any more classes this semester. Yay to Friday and Monday off!

It seems like there are more post worthy things that have happened since my last update, but I really can't think of them. I took a calculus test Wednesday, and it was ok. Probably about my average performance. Maybe an 80 at best.

This Saturday is Drew and Michelle's wedding. I'm excited because I've never been to a normal wedding before. I've only been to one, my cousin Christy. Hers was a very nice wedding, but far from traditional. It will be a new experience for me. I wish Stephen didn't have his cooking adventure this weekend though, so he could come with me. I'll have lots of other great people to hang out with though, so it will be fun. Ok, well, I'm off to study Sociology, I've got a test tomorrow. My last test of the semester, and I guess my last test of college, excluding exams of course. Weird...


Cleyera said...

Jenny, when exactly is your graduation? I'll need to know, so that I can buy a beer. That will be my third... Well, at least you can rest assured there is no danger in me ever becoming an alcoholic.

Katie said...

Yes you are going to have a blast without Stephen!! I shall be very hurt if you can't have fun with me, without him!

Katie said...

I also love the new picture of you!!