Friday, March 23, 2007

You'd think that I broke up with my boyfriend or something...

I didn't by the way, and don't intend to. However, I have been carrying around a quart of icecream with me rather regularly since last night. That's because I got a delicious quart of peanut butter and chocolate icecream at Baskin Robbins last night, my favorite flavor, and in order to avoid forgetting about it in the freezer, I'm eating it up lickety split! I think peanut butter and chocolate must be my favorite food combination because I've been eating so much of it lately (peanut butter eggs (which are way better than just the cups!), the icecream, and I also made a huge batch of pb choc. cookies right before spring break). And I don't think I'm ever going to get over this love because I've been eating and loving this stuff for as long as I can remember. Ok, enough about that, plus my icecream is half empty, so I'm going to go put it away.

I'm glad to hear, well, read, that Cleyera is having less trouble over in Germany, or at least some of the issues are being resolved. I miss you Cleyera! I hope you're having fun and things continue to look up.

As for my school life, I had a quiz in math today, which didn't go all that well, but whatever, I'll manage. I'm doing better on the tests this semester than I did last semester, so I'm not to worried about my overall grade. I think I'm slowly, very, very slowly mind you, getting better at analysis. I think it's also just getting used to Dr. Morgan (I think he's so great most of the time!), and the class becoming and increasingly more laid back environment. We are so much less rushed to get through things than my previous two semesters, and I actually like the class most of the time. I just hate the homework!

I'm over halfway done with my German book. I really should say, the book I'm reading for German, because although it was originally in German, it isn't a "German book" because that is a term I usually reserve for textbooks. Ok, so TMI... moving on. Hopefully I will finish the book tonight! Then I can watch the movie tomorrow. What I really need to do tomorrow is clean up though, because I haven't really put anything back in order since I got back from spring break. Also, I need to remember to pick up a book from ILL today.

Today in Sociology we talked about what attracts people to each other, specifically, what men and women are looking for in a potential husband/wife. I think that class is so interesting sometimes. And fun! I highly recommend it. Take Dr. Dougherty! While I'm at it, I also love Dr. Good, and Dr. Arbuckle is really funny! Yay for my professors this semester!!

Ok, enough of my rambling on. I need to start thinking about getting ready to go to work. I'm so pumped about pulling off that tattle tape!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got 2 quarts of PB and chocolate ice cream from baskin robins last night.... Coincidence... I don't think so...
