Thursday, March 15, 2007

Who me? Yes you! Couldn't be. Then who?

Last night Heather, Laura's friend from work, came over and we had delicious fish tacos for dinner. Well, some of them were ground turkey, but they were all super tasty. Heather brought over a big tray of those frosted sugar cookies you get at the grocery store. Yum! She brought her dog Bella with her, who is super crazy, but very very nice! Melvin couldn't handle all the excitement though so he just sat around in the corner in his robe.
After dinner we went to Channelside in hopes of seeing the dueling pianos at the Howl at the Moon piano bar, but sadly, it was closed. Lucky for us there re lots of bars at Channelside so we just found somewhere else. We ended up at Margarita Mamas where Laura found her new favorite band. (Her new favorite cover band?) They played all the songs she likes! I had a tasty strawberry margarita, but Michael just had water because he is watching his figure. While we were there the four of us played trivia games on the TV, Team Melvin (Laura and Katie) against Team Baggy (Mike and me). Team Baggy was totally awesome! We won 3 out of 4 games! Yes! We're awesome. Michael specialized in the WWII questions and I was awesome at the food questions (It's very important to know that borcht is made out of beets. It comes up all the time! And I never had to look it up on the internet.) Anyways, after we left we went over by the water to take a picture (Channelside is right on the bay) and WOW! There was a real live wild dolphin swimming around out there. It was super awesome! Hooray for Florida wildlife!
Later when we got home, I was sitting at the table doing something on the computer when I noticed that the tray of cookies was entirely empty! THAT SNEAKY MELVIN ATE ALL OF OUR DELICIOUS COOKIES! Baghira isn't totally innocent though, I think she knocked them off of the table for him. Melvin had to spend the night in his kennel, where he whined and whined and whined all night. You naughty naughty anipals!


Stephen Bolech said...

"anipals"? I don't like that very much. It's too...cute. Are you coming back today?

Jenny Bolech said...

How can you not like the anipals! Also, you know when I'm coming back. Stop being so clingy!!