Today all I did was play with Melvin! Oh Melvin! You are my one and only love!!! Well, that is a lie, of course, but he has been the only one willing to snuggle with me for the last few days. This is a picture of us packing a cooler for the beach yesterday. Too bad Melvin couldn't fit in there along with all the beers and Dr. Peppers.
So yesterday Katie, Mike and I all went to the beach. We got pretty lost going there (we were lost in a way that we were able to get back to where we needed to be relatively easily. We tried to go to Honeymoon Island, but got too lost and ended up just going to Clearwater Beach instead. We ended up getting an awesome parking spot though, and the weather was beautiful. The sun was shining but it wasn't too hot, and the breeze was nice and cool. It may have been the most perfect beach weather there ever was. I will have to put some pictures as soon as I can get my hands on a USB cable that will accomodate my camera.
After the beach we all went to Laura's company kickball game. Even Melvin got to come. It was awesome! Mike scored the winning run and Laura batted him in (well, kicked him in). Ok, the truth is, they lost horribly, and Mike scored the only run, but it was still really fun. Laura caught the ball lots of times!
After kickball Katie and I joined some of the team for drinks at Elmers. It was good times. A friend of Laura's that went to high school with her joined us and we all heard an AWESOME joke. (If you want to hear it I'll have to get you in touch with my sister Becky). After the bar we came home and sang karaoke on Laura's TV. My best number was New York, New York, a performance that I dedicated to Melvin.
Today we got up pretty late, and hung around the house till... I don't know, one maybe? Then we went to Lettuce Lake Park, where we walked on all the boardwalks and Mike provided us with some very informative nature facts. ("Here is a bird house. This is significant because is shows us that birds have mastered the art of tool use." or "Here is a brown bird with white spots. This is signifcant because it suggests that birds and deer have a common ancestor.") I took some lovely nature photos!
Next we drove around Tampa and I showed Katie some of the highlights of my childhood (we drove past my old house, my middle school, etc.) Then we got some sandwiches at my favorite sub place and ate them at Lake Park, which is basically right across the street from my old house. We didn't see any alligators anywhere though, so it was a let down. I'm getting quite a lot of practice at driving a standard transmission though.
Now Katie and I are playing computers and my brother is playing playstation. Laura should be home soon though so the good times should start up again!
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